Wednesday 30 March 2011

Video on type in motion

I found this video on you tube about type in motion. I really like the way that the letters move around the screen and their fast movements tell a story more than the words do which is a good thing.

Video examples

I found this video which has a variety of different motion graphics in it not only using text but also objects and shape.

My Try

I tried to do some motion graphic work of my own:


Grime daily logo-
Oded 4 -

other sources

Integrating Typography and Motion in Visual Communication

In this article they talked about the way that typography has changed over the years because of the changes in and advances in technology.

Hostetler, Soo C., Integrating Typography and Motion in Visual Communication,
paper presented at the 2006 iDMAa and IMS conference.
(visited 26th March 2011)

The Kinetic Typography Engine: An Extensible System for Animating Expressive Text

Lee, Johny C., Forlizzi, Jodi, and Hudson, Scott E., The Kinetic Typography
Engine: An Extensible System for Animating Expressive Text, 15th annual ACM
Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, 2002
(visited 26th March 2011)

Yin Yn Wong

My lecturer helped me find some more stuff from artists and i came across and article on Yin Yin Wong.

The article was very helpful as he talks about we talk to one and other and the different tones and expressions we use. 'We may choose to emphasize a point by raising the pitch of our voice or stretch out the enunciation of a word.' he then goes on to talk about how the treatment of typography can help to express a persons voice. Another intresting thing that i read in the article was about social networks and email. because they are set to a specific font size and colour that the users cant change people have come up with ways of showing expressions and emotions in clever ways. prolonging words is one way for example if i wanted to say 'i had a very long day today' it just seems normal with no real emotion where as if i said 'I had a VERY loooooooonnngggggg dat today' it has a different affect and to the way that you read it.

Y.Wong- Visible Language Workshop, Media Laboratory


I also had a look at Typography. Typography is the way that text is arranged on a page. The reason why I looked at typography is because animated can be looked at as a type of typography because of the ways that the artists manipulate text is also evident in some typography artist’s work.  
Here are some examples of Typography work: 

I like this art work of a popular star wars character. if you look carefully you can see where all the letters are and how they join to make his body.

This is a complex one. All of the letters are jumbled together to create the shape of a gun. I like the way the trigger has been created with the letter 'r' and also the floating letters that say 'Bang'. 

This womens face has been made with different sized letters. I especially like her hair which as been made with bold lettering of different shapes. The little attention to details like her earring is also a good touch.

I wanted to see some artists of Typography and i found an artist by the name of 'Oded Ezer' 
Oded Ezer is an Israeli typographic artist, logo and type designer and also a lecturer. He graduated at the Bezalel Academy of Art & Design, Jerusalem, with a Bachelor degree in Visual Communication Design (1998). Ezer founded his own independent studio "Oded Ezer Typography" in Givatayim, Israel in 2000. In 2002 he co-founded the first cooperative of Israeli font designers, called "Ha'Gilda" (The Guild). He teaches typography and graphic design in several academies in and outside Israel. His posters and graphic works have been showcased and published worldwide he also runs experimental typo/art projects, where he explores non-conventional solutions in Hebrew typography. He is also a lecturer and a typographic experimentalist. His studio is located in Israel.
“Ezer's work is emotional and powerful... his typographies are as
exceptional in this field as they are outstanding, to say the least” said Die Gestalten Verlag 

Below are some examples of his work: 

The above photograph is of a 3D ‘I love NY’ logo. Oded wanted the image to be monumental, mysterious and intensive. All the letters have been bent into different shapes until the are almost unrecognizable the red heart in the center stands out among the black.

This typography by Oded as been done with what looks like a silly spray can. At a first glance you it just looks like random mess but if you look carefully you can make out some letters although I cannot quite make out what it says this brings mystery into his art work. 

This piece by Oded is in another language but still very effective. Using nails and string he has made this typography. The nails that are not part of the work look as if they are court in a spiders web. This is an outstanding piece of work. 

The four images above are of Oded himself. He has manipulated the photographs of himself so it looks as if he has letters imbedded in his skin and is pulling them out. Oded style is very different to others.   

I also had a try myself at some simple Typography:

Above is a try I had at typography. I used a Z and a placed a zipper on top of it. The reason I chose to use a zipper is because they relate zipper starts with Z. As my first try it is okay but I would of liked to make it look better. I could have possibly mad the sides where the zip has been open to sag like a coat would when the zip is open.  

Above is quite a simple typography that I created. I created the letter T using a series of T’s. To make the piece more interesting I change the colour of two lines within the T using blue and red.

Above is a stop sign that I created using different letters. It took a long type to get it perfect but I am very happy with the end result. This is a more complicated than the T that I had created previously.


Below are some examples I have found of motion graphics a text animation that have been used in online videos: 

The first video that I looked at is from a group called ‘Grime Daily’. Grime daily has over 1000 videos on their online youtube page. Below is an example of one of there videos.

The first 10 seconds of this video shows us examples of motion graphics and text animation. This text animation is at the beginning of all of the videos that they post and promotes the company’s name. The thing that I like about this example is the way that all of the little parts of the title come together like lego bricks. This is also a good example of how audio is used with motion graphics to add effect. Although it only appears for a few seconds before each clip it gives it a professional look to it. I have watched many of Grime Daily’s videos on youtube, a few years ago they never had any animated text in their videos. The introduction of animated text in their videos have had a dramatic impact on the videos out come if you compare the video below to the one above you can clearly see the difference.


The video just looks standard and doesn’t really attract the viewer. Overall with the introduction of motion graphics and text animation gives the videos more of a proffecional look and therefore attracts more viewers.

Another company that is like Grime daily I ‘SBTV’

They use the same kind of motion graphics and text animations in their videos. I like the little jingle that they have saying SBTV. I also like the way that artists are introduce with their name flying into the footage. SBTV don’t only use the same animated text they use others like the one in the video below.

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Type In Motion

Barbara was correct and indeed Matt Woolman and Jeff Bellantoni did have three books on moving type published.

'Expression of meaning can be accomplished through intonation, which refers to the modulation of a voice-the tone of voice when someone is speaking.'
(22nd Dec 2000, J.Bellantoni and M.Woolman) 

What this quote is telling us the way that i word is presented can also show an expression. This can be emotions like anger, sadness or happiness. 

'words can be animated to simulate intonation the way an actor might speak them, or to support the definition of a word'
This quote explains how animated text can be used. When it says 'intonation the way an actor might speak' this means the movement of the animation. for example if the actor was  saying something quickly then in the animation the text will move across the screen quickly also. 


After emailing Barbara she gave me the name of two authors who she said have written 3 books on type in motion. The two authors names are Matt Woolman and Jeff Bellantoni and i decided to see if i could find the books that they have published .


In class I was find it quite difficult to find some books and information on my research topic. I spoke to Philippa in class and she suggested that I contacted another lecturer ‘Barbara Brownie’ as she was doing some work on text animation and might have some thing for me to look at that might help me.  

Why Motion Graphics?

The reason why I chose to focus on this topic is because I have seen the motion graphic and text animation skills used a lot in advertisements and also in many videos on youtube and I have always been interesting in how it is done. I have learned many different skills in digital art but never anything along these lines so I believe it is something different to learn and will help me as I have discovered motion graphics is a popular and up and coming industry.

Research Topic

The topic that I have chosen to research as part of my traditions a locations assignment is ‘Motion Graphics/Animated text’.

What is Motion Graphics:

Motion Graphics are graphics that use video or animation technics to create the illusion of motion or a transforming appearance. Motion graphics can bring a static object to life. Things like text used for advertisement can enhance the successfulness of an advert, my animating the txt therefore giving it more presence. Motion graphic work is often combined with audio to give it more effect and the visuals flow with the audio sound effects.