Wednesday 30 March 2011

Yin Yn Wong

My lecturer helped me find some more stuff from artists and i came across and article on Yin Yin Wong.

The article was very helpful as he talks about we talk to one and other and the different tones and expressions we use. 'We may choose to emphasize a point by raising the pitch of our voice or stretch out the enunciation of a word.' he then goes on to talk about how the treatment of typography can help to express a persons voice. Another intresting thing that i read in the article was about social networks and email. because they are set to a specific font size and colour that the users cant change people have come up with ways of showing expressions and emotions in clever ways. prolonging words is one way for example if i wanted to say 'i had a very long day today' it just seems normal with no real emotion where as if i said 'I had a VERY loooooooonnngggggg dat today' it has a different affect and to the way that you read it.

Y.Wong- Visible Language Workshop, Media Laboratory

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